As summer wears on and your children are beginning to say, "Mom, Dad, what can I do today?" you can give yourself a break and give your kids a quality program to enjoy. How? By sending him or her to our Vacation Bible School!
Reserve June 24 - 28, 9:30 until noon, on your calendar. The charge (for materials) is $5 total for all five days (or $8 for a family). We have designed our activities to meet the needs of children 4 years through those entering 6th grade. As you may know from past experience or from your friends, we have a great time planned for your child!
We are looking forward to seeing you. Also, if you would like to provide a snack or beverage for one of the days, a gallon of drink and 2 dozen nut-free cookies would be appreciated. Just drop them off in the kitchen on the main floor. Thank you!
Download a registration form below. It is a fill-in form that can be filled out on your computer or other device. Save the form and email it to: mail @ (remove spaces), or print it and submit it on paper.